
Brandon Jones

Jones Welding & Industrial Supply, Inc.
As an independent business owner, it is good to know that you're not alone in today's market.The IWDC provides Jones Welding & Industrial Supply, Inc., the obvious advantage of buying strength, which comes by incorporating the buying power of over 150 independent distributors throughout North America to allow us to stay competitive against our larger competitors. Another advantage is that the IWDC is a co-op verses a buying group. This means that I'm benefiting not only from my individual efforts, but also from the efforts of all the membership because I own part of the co-op. This also means that all of the IWDC product trademarks, like WELDMARK and PURITY PLUS, which are nationally recognized names in the industry, are MY brands. Another advantage is the fraternity that exists between the membership and the IWDC staff. Every time I have run into a critical question regarding my business, I found someone in the membership or at IWDC that was willing to provide help and good advice. In addition, the IWDC staff is always at work trying to make the co-op a more valuable resource to the membership. Since I have been a member of the IWDC, I can trace some of my business successes to improvements the IWDC made on various levels. The IWDC has a vision for the future and knows what Independents need in order to compete in the market.
The IWDC represents the future of the independently owned welding, industrial and safety supply/distribution business. The days of going it alone are over for any business that seeks longevity in this market. Vendors are seeking more sales and are willing to narrow their distribution avenues if this means real commitments to their product lines. Large companies can outsource more easily than smaller companies due to higher volumes adding margin to their bottom line or passing it on to end users in order to take business. Small companies lack the volumes and cash flow to make large inventory commitments. Independents need each other and they need a platform to communicate ideas on how to make their businesses more competitive. They need someone who has industry knowledge and leverage on a larger scale to make the big deal. Independents are the IWDC and they need each other.
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New PurityPlus® Member - James Supplies
I am pleased to announce our newest IWDC Member joining the PurityPlus program, James Supplies.
Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. Opens New Location

Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. opened a new location in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, effective November 18, 2024.

IWDC Organizes Hurricane Helene Generator Donation
Fourteen Members and three IWDC staff bought and donated Fifty-four Powermate® brand gas-powered generators by Gene...