Visit www.Weldmark.com and select the blue "Distributor Locator" button.

Members may also use the interactive map located in our Member Directory.

Both can pinpoint your closest Weldmark distributor.


Weldmark is the private label brand of the IWDC Cooperative. The IWDC partners with major manufacturers and market leaders to provide top quality, professional grade products as part of the Weldmark private label offering. The quality of the Weldmark product line is the best among private label brands. The IWDC co-brands the Weldmark product line so both members and end users know exactly what company is making the various Weldmark items.

To learn more, please visit www.weldmark.com.

Visit www.purityplusgases.com and select the green "Find a Distributor" button.

After locating your nearest regional producer at www.purityplusgases.com, contact that producer directly using the contact information provided in the search results.

  1. Please fill out the Vendor Profile Form
  2. You must also attach and email a pricing proposal.


IWDC Member Distributors assure you and all customers of quality products, dedicated local service, product expertise, and vast inventories to supply every need. All IWDC Member Distributors are locally owned independent businesses that are involved in your communities – ensuring that local dollars are kept local.

Locally Owned – Internationally Known

These locally owned independent distributors are part of the IWDC Cooperative with over 800+ locations servicing North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico).


IWDC Member Distributors service a multitude of industries such as construction, medical, specialty gases, welding, oil & petroleum, fabrication, and agriculture. There are many more industries we service. If in doubt as to whether we service your industry, please contact your local IWDC Distributor.

IWDC Members each own a voting share, and the cooperative is governed by bylaws filed in the State of California. In addition to having a staff that manages day-to-day operations, a Board of Directors made up of Member principals provides oversight and stewardship.
The IWDC has, at any given time, a dozen or so active Committees that are formed to tackle ongoing business opportunities. Member personnel serve with the IWDC staff on these Committees, and ideas flow back and forth between the Committees and our entire membership.

Primary IWDC Committees include those devoted to:

Marketing & Purchasing – Focuses on key vendor programs, IWDC’s brands, Web-based initiatives, and Volume/Growth/Rebate Agreements with key Vendor partners.

PurityPlus Program – The PurityPlus program has a Steering Committee that helps direct the Program initiatives along with its four sub-committees: PurityPlus Marketing, PurityPlus Operations, PurityPlus Vendor Relations and PurityPlus Training.

Gas Committee – Focuses on leveraging Product Supply agreements, extend product line offerings, services and training and to form strategic partnerships with select gas vendors.

Besides opportunities provided by serving on Committees or the Board, the IWDC has two annual meetings that provide terrific networking and best-practice sharing opportunities: our Sales & Purchasing Conference and our Owners' Meeting.
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New PurityPlus® Member - James Supplies
I am pleased to announce our newest IWDC Member joining the PurityPlus program, James Supplies.
Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. Opens New Location

Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. opened a new location in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, effective November 18, 2024.

IWDC Organizes Hurricane Helene Generator Donation
Fourteen Members and three IWDC staff bought and donated Fifty-four Powermate® brand gas-powered generators by Gene...