"The Perfect Mixture."
In 2005 the IWDC established the PurityPlus® Specialty Gases brand to support the North American need for certified quality specialty gases sourced from a reliable local supplier. In the years since the PurityPlus program has grown into a network of 33 independent producers and an extensive network of distributors throughout North America. All producers are audited on an ongoing basis, and most meet ISO 17025 accreditation. As it stands, the IWDC represents the largest number of ISO-accredited laboratories in the United States' specialty gas supply network. Several of our facilities have also achieved ISO 9000 credentials.
Beyond that, we provide ongoing sales and marketing training through a modular, online learning program and hands-on direct training at Member facilities and key supplier locations several times a year. Together, we represent the best package of customer service and know-how in the industry.
The PurityPlus program is open to and supported by all IWDC Member companies. In addition to the operations and quality programs, the IWDC supports the end-customer needs with an active website, www.purityplusgases.com. There you'll find our catalog, technical information, relevant news, and easy access to our PurityPlus partners.
For prospective customers, our international network offers consistent quality with a local flavor. In each locality, customers speak with people from a local company that's been a presence in their area for years, not to national call center personnel. And the people with whom a customer talks clearly understand that excellent customer service is the key to keeping satisfied customers. PurityPlus offers "The Perfect Mixture" of quality and local customer service.
Whether you need the highest-quality carrier gases for chromatography, EPA Protocol standards for emissions modeling, natural gas composition standards, blood gases, and lung diffusion products for medical applications, or products for any of the myriad specialty gas applications, your first source should be PurityPlus gases and equipment.
Explore www.purityplusgases.com, or contact the IWDC for further details.