Member Engagement


When you’re an IWDC Member, the more engaged you are with your cooperative, the greater assurance you have of higher profits and larger rebates.

Well-engaged Members understand how the IWDC functions. They also have a thorough understanding of the programs offered and the opportunities that only IWDC Members enjoy in the marketplace.

Member personnel become engaged in the life of the cooperative when they:

  • volunteer for any of our committees
  • serve on our Board of Directors
  • attend our annual meetings
  • visit the IWDC, or invite the IWDC staff to visit their location
For further details on the benefits of Member Engagement, please contact the IWDC.
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New PurityPlus® Member - James Supplies
I am pleased to announce our newest IWDC Member joining the PurityPlus program, James Supplies.
Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. Opens New Location

Welding & Auto Supply, Inc. opened a new location in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, effective November 18, 2024.

IWDC Organizes Hurricane Helene Generator Donation
Fourteen Members and three IWDC staff bought and donated Fifty-four Powermate® brand gas-powered generators by Gene...